Post by m***@gmail.comPost by RobinPost by m***@gmail.comToday I received a P800 calculation from HMRC telling me I owe them £1,340 underpaid tax from 2015-16.
However, the calculation includes an £889 underpayment from 2014-15 which I am currently paying back via a reduced tax code - it will be fully repaid by the end of this tax year.
Is the P800 calculation wrong or is this how they work? Collect it once, then collect it again and hope I don't notice?
Should I contact them?
The P800 includes any amounts you owed from an earlier and have not yet
paid, and as of now you have not paid the £889 from 2014-15.
And they won't collect it again if your new PAYE code for 2017-18
includes only an adjustment for the difference between the £1,340 and £889.
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Ok, it gets better.
I receive another letter today from HMRC telling me that they recently wrote to me advising me that I have underpaid tax in the sum of £451.20.
Erm, no, that's not what the letter said; it referred to £1,340 underpaid tax.
But here's the kicker; I have to pay the full amount by 23 March because they can't collect the underpaid tax because "there is no PAYE source to code the underpayment against".
Are these people for real. Seriously?
It's hard to comment without knowing your PAYE sources, the annual
payments from them and the PAYE codes in use against them. But I did
just wonder if you have you quoted the whole of their explanation.
There used often to be a note which covered that and that the
underpayment would more than double the amount of tax they would
normally deduct, or result in more than half of the payments being
deducted as tax.
I do note though that they are only looking for the difference between
the £1,340 and the £889 already coded out (as I suggested they would).
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