2016-09-15 22:08:44 UTC
Brextardistani Financial Services regulators must authorize crowd funded insurance
Brextardistan is circling the drains as huge numbers large
corporations and financial services companies relocate to Ireland
and other parts of EU.
The effects of this done deal won't be apparent for a while.
But as soon as Brextards press the self nuke button, all the big
crocporations and big money will instantly disappear.
Bwank of England is printing 170 beeelllion as well as the rest
to give to bwankers to shore up their bonuses while the
rest of country has its wealth diluted.
Well tis time to dilute bwanker wealth by introducing crowd
funded insurance.
The internet is the key and if you are not using using it to
create wealth, then you must be bonkers.
On that assumption, we need now a way for internet
and crowd funding to take on stock market gambling
dysfunctional insurance crocporations and reduce cost of insurance.
The easiest way is to allow crowd funded insurance
companies operate. You want to ship a container from A to B
and want insurance while its in transit, then you would go
to the crowd funded insurance site, and declare a value
for the cargo and the amount of cover you need and for
how long. So you might say you 20,000 dollars worth of
cover for 14 days. Everyone will pitch in and say give
you $100 cover for 14 days at a fee of 2% of the value of the goods.
Some smart alec will naturally offer $200 at 500% fee.
So you pick and choose each offer until the cover totals what you
want at the lowest fee. So for 14 days, the person investing
their money for cover has no access to their money,
and if the ship sinks then you lost the money.
But if the ship reached its destination, then the money is
given back to you plus the fees.
Very rich picking for crowd funding investor.
Very satisfying service for the insurance seeker
because he would have got the best deal.
This could be extended to car insurance (where the duration
is 1 year of cover), property insurance (renewed every year),
etc and it would make a lot of money for the crowd.
Nothing for the stock market playing bwankers over dozing
on 170 beeellion pounds of printed money.
The bwank of England should do the decent thing here and
print some money and give it back to investors if they
lost it in some insurance transaction that lost their money
through no fault of their own.
This kind of quantitative easing (i.e. a bwanking
escapist term for printing money) is a lot less than
the 170 beeellion of wealth dilution that bwank of England
is currently engaged in furiously on behalf of failed
bwanks and bwaankers.
Brextardistan is circling the drains as huge numbers large
corporations and financial services companies relocate to Ireland
and other parts of EU.
The effects of this done deal won't be apparent for a while.
But as soon as Brextards press the self nuke button, all the big
crocporations and big money will instantly disappear.
Bwank of England is printing 170 beeelllion as well as the rest
to give to bwankers to shore up their bonuses while the
rest of country has its wealth diluted.
Well tis time to dilute bwanker wealth by introducing crowd
funded insurance.
The internet is the key and if you are not using using it to
create wealth, then you must be bonkers.
On that assumption, we need now a way for internet
and crowd funding to take on stock market gambling
dysfunctional insurance crocporations and reduce cost of insurance.
The easiest way is to allow crowd funded insurance
companies operate. You want to ship a container from A to B
and want insurance while its in transit, then you would go
to the crowd funded insurance site, and declare a value
for the cargo and the amount of cover you need and for
how long. So you might say you 20,000 dollars worth of
cover for 14 days. Everyone will pitch in and say give
you $100 cover for 14 days at a fee of 2% of the value of the goods.
Some smart alec will naturally offer $200 at 500% fee.
So you pick and choose each offer until the cover totals what you
want at the lowest fee. So for 14 days, the person investing
their money for cover has no access to their money,
and if the ship sinks then you lost the money.
But if the ship reached its destination, then the money is
given back to you plus the fees.
Very rich picking for crowd funding investor.
Very satisfying service for the insurance seeker
because he would have got the best deal.
This could be extended to car insurance (where the duration
is 1 year of cover), property insurance (renewed every year),
etc and it would make a lot of money for the crowd.
Nothing for the stock market playing bwankers over dozing
on 170 beeellion pounds of printed money.
The bwank of England should do the decent thing here and
print some money and give it back to investors if they
lost it in some insurance transaction that lost their money
through no fault of their own.
This kind of quantitative easing (i.e. a bwanking
escapist term for printing money) is a lot less than
the 170 beeellion of wealth dilution that bwank of England
is currently engaged in furiously on behalf of failed
bwanks and bwaankers.